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On the 1st and 2nd of June on the tennis courts of Levski Tennis Club, the Charity Tennis Tournament

of ROCKET SCIENCE & BAIA took place. The tournament was dedicated to Children’s Day.

Our heartfelt thanks to our hosts who made the experience exciting for all of us!

Thank you to our sponsors Rocket Science, M&M and Compass Aircargo who helped make the tournament possible, great beer and delicious catering!

Here are the winners:

1st place: Drago Draganov and Kristian Hristov

2nd place: Ilian Terziev and Ilia Kushev

3rd place: Sasho Todorov and Misho Kanev, Biser Velev and Nikola Rachev

The awards were presented by Mr. Todor Ivandjikov – President of the Bulgarian Aviation Industry Association (BAIA)

Alexey Kovalenko – Financial Director of M&M Militzer & Munch BG Ltd.

Miladin Miladinov – Commercial Director Rocket Science and Sofia Brew

The atmosphere was amazing – thank you to all the participants, sponsors and friends for your support!